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Department of Agricultural Economics

Sister Mary Frances Kobets

SisterMFKThe Department of Agricultural Economics is pleased to present the 2011 Distinguished Alumnus Award to Sister Mary Frances Kobets. This award is given to an alumus who has demonstrated significant professional achievement related to agricultural economics or agribusiness. 

In 1969, Sister Kobets became one of the first two women to graduate from Kansas State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics. She combined her knowledge of agriculture with her calling to help people by devoting the last 30 years to improving health, nutrition, and educational opportunities for thousands of African men, women, and children.

Sister Kobets continued her studies at K-State, earning a Master’s degree in animal science in 1980 prior to her work in Africa. For the last 10 years, she has worked in Zimbabwe in Career Development Education Support, helping children orphaned by MFKAIDS victims pursue education, acquire life skills, and learn to care for their extended families. Sister Kobets is one of the many K-State graduates who has made a positive difference in people’s lives.

Learn more about Sister Mary Frances: Maryknoll Sisters

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